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Your Empowered VBAC
Preparing for an Empowered Birth
Welcome to Your Empowered VBAC! (1:49)
Knowledge is Power
Clinical Support in VBAC (10:13)
VBAC Story with Ana
Active Decision Making (1:54)
Planning for a Healthy VBAC
Effectively Using Birth Plans
Functional Breath (13:24)
VBAC Story with Thaashae (3:32)
VBAC in a Hospital Setting
Important Reminders!
Understanding the Labor Process
Labor and Birth 101 (12:52)
Pelvic Bones and Joints (4:57)
Pelvic Dynamics (9:55)
The Labor Dance (7:15)
Femur Rotation (0:51)
The Pelvis and the Plumbing Pipe (2:34)
Baby Positioning (10:19)
Factors that Can Affect VBAC Success
Navigating Intervention and Protocol
Induction and Augmentation Methods (12:42)
VBAC Story with Veronique
Medical Pain Relief Options and VBAC (20:43)
Blossoming Bellies 5/4/3 Rule and Movement in Labor (5:29)
5/4/3 Rule and Epidurals (7:48)
Preparing a Rice Sock (3:08)
Birth Ball (2:52)
Labor Positions
Managing Early Labor (6:29)
Managing Active Labor (12:53)
Managing Transition (6:24)
Understanding Pushing (64:45)
Emotional Support
VBAC Story with Jenn
Homebirth VBAC ("HBAC") Video
Important Reminders!
If Cesarean Birth Becomes Necessary
Empowered Cesarean Birth
Understanding Cesarean Birth
Healing From Cesarean Birth (13:37)
Important Reminders!
Postpartum Planning and Care
Prenatal Preparation for the Postpartum Period
The Immediate Postpartum (4:29)
The Extended Postpartum (15:59)
Important Reminders!
Thank You!
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The Immediate Postpartum
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